
Monday, 2 July 2012

Days 2 & 3 of Work Experience

Sorry this has taken so long for me to post this! I've been pretty busy this week and haven't had a chance to blog. I also apologize because I was too unorganized to get pictures of my outfits on days four and five of work experience, woops. 
I'd just quickly like to say that I had such a good week at New Look though, the staff were all amazing and I got to try different things every day, it was a really great experience overall!

Ok, so on day two I carried on my mint theme (no surprises there) with the dotty top I got for my birthday which was great because it is made from quite a thin, floaty material meaning I didn't get too warm in the shop. I wore it with my high-waisted Topshop jeans and the same shoes as the day before. The handbag is possibly my favourite bag ever... I brought it to work every day! I like how it's so sturdy, and is the perfect size to carry everything I need without being too bulky. I also love the coral detailing which makes it a lot more interesting and appealing to the eye than any of my other bags. 

On my third day, I wore an outfit completely from New Look (apart from the shoes). I bought the top last weekend with work experience in mind - and I really like it, seeing as it is a bit more grunge-y than anything else I own, particularly as I'm going through a pretty pastel phase. I teamed it with my coral skirt and a pleated belt to counteract the gothic vibe though. I was going to wear a black skirt, but thought it made the whole look a bit too dark.
I may have lied a little in the next pictures... I actually didn't wear the Doc Martens to New Look, I just wore plain black plimsolls. They looked ok, but I wanted something that would make more of a statement for taking these pictures!

Top, Belt & Skirt - New Look; Boots- Doc Martens
 As you can see, I got a wee bit carried away taking pictures! My legs look super short here, haha.
Tippy tooooes
I tried to match my nails with the skirt but they looked a bit too plain... so I added black dots to my ring fingers to miror the black in the top. It looked a bit messy and strange, but it was just a last minute addition before I left the house! I seem to be incapable of leaving my nails all painted one colour...I just think it looks a bit boring because I'm so used to having patterns or contrasting colours!

Thank you so much for reading, sorry for such a picture heavy post. I hope you're all having a great Monday! xo


  1. Iona, your absolutely gorgeous!! love you blog<3

    1. Aaaah thank you so much! That means a lot :) <3
