
Thursday, 30 June 2011

Modern Art Gallery

Last week I spent time at The Modern Art Gallery & The Dean Gallery in Edinburgh, [a bit sad, i know]. I was a bit bummed that it was rainy...when will summer start, and when will i be able to wear all my favourite shorts!? 
Anyway, I absolutely loved the huge neon lettering that I saw and photographed outside them both[it was kind of hard to miss them...] :

I want some in my garden! I love snappy slogans like that... I have a t-shirt that says 'Moss is the Boss' on it which I think is pretty cool - but it's waaay too small for me - haha!

Sorry for the short post, i'll post more about fashion over the weekend - i promise! x


  1. The "slogans" are from hitchhikers guide to the galaxy books!

  2. oooh i didn't know that but it makes sense! haha, thanks for telling me!
